Web发布短评论》杂志上的产品对于男人来说,除了深入文章相关的冒险和风格。 户外冒险主题分享网是一个非常值得推荐的户外旅行话题分享网站,介绍有关于户外活动的所有相关内容,例如户外产品的选择,户外用品的使用,户外摄影,户外故事等等。的所有内容都是围绕这户外来推荐的,从汽车到道路,户外手表的选择和使用,旅行者文化,体能锻炼,食物搭配等,该网站有很多专业撰稿人,因为他们热卖户外活动,所以他们的推荐内容都是已原创文章为主,让你真正的融入户外运动这个活动中去。Gear Patrol is a gathering place for guys hell bent on making the most of their time on planet Earth in the 21st century. What we do is what magazines have always done: provide a filter on the world, our take on what’s valuable and interesting, using original photography and thoughtful storytelling — but with the agility a website affords.That means we can tap dance between piping hot news, valuable, richly researched insights and timeless stories about people and far-off places, on the same day, on the same page, from our HQ in New York or anywhere else in the world. We value our long game and our short game equally.Web journal that publishes short reviews of products for men, in addition to in-depth articles related to adventuring and style.
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